(for english scroll down, please)
Itt ulok California allamban az USA-ban egy farmon es fogom
a fejem, hogy mar megint lemaradtam az irassal, de sebaj azert vagjunk csak
bele. (Oke ez a resz kicsit atkualitasat vesztette, hiszen mar Canadaban
ucsorgok es fogom a fejem)
Fun facts: az ausztralok (legalabbis a szorfosok) tojnak
arra, hogy capak vannak a vizben. Kb nem beszelnek rola, es ha valaki capat
lat, jeleznek egymasnak es mindenki szorfozik tovabb.
Errol az apro tenyrol tobbszor is sikerult tanubizonysagot
nyerni, hisz tobb helyen is kerdezgettem a helyieket ezugyben. Az egyik ilyen
hely Byron Bay volt, Brisbanetol masfel oranyira, ahol eletem legszebb
hullamait sikerult felfedeznem, bar jo magam nem tudtam szorfozni, sikerult
megszemleleni az igen hosszu, nem hazudok, kb percekben merheto hullam futasi
idot. Es raadasul, kezdoknek es halladoknak is van tokeletes hullam a parton,
legyel szorfos vagy chillezo long boards, van mindenkinek hely es hullam is.
Sokaig nem vesztegeltunk itt hiszen vart a termeszet es
szallasunk valahol a semmi kozepen. Gyilkos allatoktol nem tartottunk hiszen a
kocsiban kenyelmesen meg lehetett alukalni.
Reggel egy tehetos tojasos reggeli utan mar mentunk is
turazni. Erdekesseg, hogy nem volt meleg, mint ahogy ismerosok beharangoztak, a
40 fokok helyett alig erte el a homero higanyszala a 25 fokot… kb 2 forro
napunk volt egesz vegig… No, de a tura. Szoval a felhos paras idoben sikerult
kellemes turautvonalakat talalni, es bar kigyok nem votlak, rengeteg pioca
leselkedett az avarban, meg-meg allva azon kaptuk magunkat, hogy ciponkon es
nadragunkon probalnak fel kuszni, hogy edes verunket kiszivjak, Atinal sikerrel
jartak es egy kb fel centis kis harapasnyomot helyeztek bokajara. Kalandos ut.
A piocak hada mellett par kengurut is lattunk es rengeteg
repulorokat. Az egyik ut mellett bukkantunk belejuk, hogy ezer szamra
csungedeztek a fakrol. Ujabb, David Attenborough-os elmeny valt valora!!
Az elkozvetkezendo ket napban, tovabbi kisebb turacskak es
botanikus kert lesek lettek beutve. Meglestuk Coffs Harbour kertjeit es New
Castle setanyat es oceanpartjat is szemugyre vettuk.
Slartibartfast gond nelkul elrepitett minket kovetkezo
allomasunkra Sydneybe, ahol Loic es Peta vart minket.
Nos, hat Sydney nem volt uj nekem, de meg mindig tetszik,
bar igaz, Brisbane viszi meg a palmat. Szokasosnak mondhato botanikus kert
setaval kezdtuk utunkat, majd belestunk a helyi muveszeti galleriaba. Olyan egy
masfel ora kellett, hogy raebredjunk, mi mar semmit nem tudunk felfogni, amihez
gondolkodni kell. :D Ennek fenyeben az operahaz elott kidoltunk egy kicsit a
Az operahaz meg mindig szep, sot ezuttal sikerult az esti
ravetitett fenyjatekot is lencsevegre kapni a kovetkezo napon. Este Loic-ek elvittek minket egy helyi
pizzeriaba, ahol gourmeskodaskeppen, ettunk kengurus, emus meg krokodilos
pizzat. Fincsi volt, leszamitva, hogy a kroki husnak nem volt sok ize.
Reggel, ugy dontottunk, hogy szetvalunk, Ati maradt a
varosban, en meg athelyeztem magam Manlybe a
helyi kis hajojarat segitsegevel. Manly tulajdonkeppen egy kis felsziget
egy gyonyoru parttal, ahol snorkelezni es szorfozni lehet. Szorf megint csak
kimaradt, de snorkelezes befigyelt. Nem, capat nem lattam, de volt par szep
halacska. Egy helyi szorfos leanyt leszolitottam kesobb, hogy meginformalodjak
a szorfozesi lehetosegekrol a kornyeken. A joizu beszelgetes soran kiderult,
hogy sydneynel vannak capahalok, es hogy Byron Bay hez hasonlo szorf
paradicsomokkal van tele az egesz keleti/deli part. Persze meg is van bennem az
elhatarozas, hogy meg visszajovok ide egyszer szorf nyaralni.
Este megint osszeroffentunk a francia/ausztral kis
baratainkkal. Egy sorocske elszopogatasa utan megneztuk az opera fenyjatekot,
majd seta a szallasra es szunya megint.
Reggel, igyekeztunk idoben kelni, mivel a kocsink mar vart a repteren. No, de minek a siettseg! Peti elhagyta a jogsijat! Ami persze kocsifelvetel kozben derult ki. A 20 masodperces nyugtato legzogyakorlat utan eszembejutott, hogy letetben hagytam tegnap a Manlyben, amikor a snorkel cuccot bereltem… Oke, ket es fel ora tomegkozlekedes utan egy jogsival gazdagabban es boldogan sikerult a kocsit felvenni es ujra utrakelni, ezuttal koztes allomasunk Canberra fele.
I sit here on the comfy couch in California state in USA and
hold my head thinking: “How did I manage to fall behind with the posts soo
much… once again”. But anyways, here it goes. (Haha,okay, this is a little bit
outdated, since I am sitting in Canada in Toronto and holding my head…)
Fun facts: The Aussies (or at least the surfers) don’t give
a crap about sharks. They simply don’t talk about it and if somebody sees one,
he/she signals to the others and then they go on surfing as nothing had
I managed to gain some verbal proof about this fact, since
I’ve asked the locals about surfing conditions in many areas. Such place ws
Byron Bay, about one and a half hours away from Brisbane, where I managed to
find the best waves so far! Although I could not surf, I was able to witness
the long (I am not lying by saying multiple minutes long) swells. Also the
beach is perfect for beginners and more advanced surfers as well. Should you be
a pro surfer or a chill longboarder all has a swell and place on this beach.
We did not stay long, since our campsite in the middle of
nowhere and some nice hikes were already waiting for us. Deadly animals were
not a problem, since we were able to sleep in the car comfortably.
After our dense morning breakfast with a bunch of eggs, we
went to do some tramping. Another interesting fact. It wasn’t as hot as
everybody told us. I mean instead of the high 40-s we, it was barely 25… and
rainy as in New Zealand… I think we had maybe 2 days of full on hot weather.
But let’s see the tarmping. So, on the rainy, humid day, we were able to find
some nice hikes and although there were no snakes or spiders there were swarm
of leeches waiting for us buried between the leaves on the ground. As we did
our quick stops, we realized that they are trying to climb up on our trousers
to get our sweet blood. They were quite successful with Ati and they made two
half a centimeter bites on his ankle. What an adventure…
Besides the armies of leeches we bumped in a few kangaroos
and into a big flock of flying foxes. We stopped by at the road when we saw a
few tries packed with these cute mammals. Another David Attenborough-experience
came true.
In the next 2 days we planned in a few more little
hikes/walks botanic garden inspections. We had a quick look on the gardens in
Coffs Harbour and had a stroll on the beachside walkway in New Castle.
Slartibartfast took us to Sydney without an issue, where
Loic and Peta were already waiting for us.
Sydney wasn’t new to me, of course I still like it.
Although, I think Brisbane takes the first place now. We started the trip with our
usual botanic garden walk and then we ended up in the art gallery of the city.
It took us about one and a half hour to realize that we cannot process anything
that requires any percentage of our brain… :D Knowing this, we decided to take
a rest not far from the Sydney Opera
That building is still brilliant, besides this time we had
the chance to capture on photo the evening light show that is projected on the
side of the building. My good friends took us to a pizza place, where as doing
a gourmet evening we tried emu, kangaroo and crocodile pizzas. It was all very
tasty, not considering the fact that croc meat does not really have any taste. We finished the
evening with a stroll on the bridge, then walked home and had a good sleep.
In the morning we decided to split. Ati stayed in the city
and I relocated myself in Manly using the local ferry service. Manly is really
just a nice suburb on a peninsula with a beautiful beach where the one can surf
and snorkel. I missed out surfing once again… but I had a good snorkel time.
No, I did not see any sharks, but I saw cool fish chilling in the shallows.
Later I started to chat with a local surfer lady to get some infos about the
loal spots and conditions. During our entertaining conversation I learned that
there are shark nets all around Sydney and that the whole east and south coast
is full of beaches like Byron Bay. I got really determined about coming back
here just for a surfing holiday.
In the evening we had another catchup with our nice
Australian-french friends. After sipping a good beer, we checked out the
lightshow at the opera, did the last walk back to the accommodation and had a
final sleep before the long drive of tomorrow.
In the morning we tried to get to the airport as early as
possible, since our new car was already waiting for us. But why the rush??
Peter has lost his drivers license! And the realization only came at the rental
desk. :D After 20 seconds of meditation it has got to my mind, that I left it
at the snorkel rental place in Manly… at the other end of the city. After two
and a half hour public transportation with a drivers license richer and happy,
we started our daily drive to head down to our next destination, Canberra.
Peter, Pumpkin, Hot Balls
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