Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Hawaii, sunshine, reaggie

(for english scroll down, please)

Oh igen! Szaguldunk Hawaiira.

Noh, azert becsekkolaskor nem maradhatott el Ati, talan mar szokasosnak mondhato repjegyes balszerencseje. Ugyanis, mint a kedves kis csekkolo holgytol meginformaltuk, nem lehet belepni ugy az orszagba, hogy nincs repjegye az embernek egy USA-val nem szomszedos orszagba… Persze Atinak csak Kanadaig szolt a jegye, ami a jelen helyzetben keves volt, mint kempingsajtban a satorvas. Ez nem volt tul biztato indulas elott 2 oraval.

De semmi panik. Gyors reagalasu utazonk hamar kiotolte, hogy mikor is akar elrepulni az amerikai kontinensrol, es kb 15 perccel kesobb mar az izlandra szolo jegyet mutogatta buszken a repteri szolgalatnak. Ezt is tuleltuk.

Hawaiira reggel hatkor ertunk be, meg sotet volt, a kocsiberlo polinez srac is meg csak a csipat torolgette szemebol. Mi azonban mar tukon ultunk, hiszen vartak rank Hanauma Bay halacskai es egyeb szines tengeri allatkai. Az alvast es buvarkodast felvaltva muveltuk, hogy mind az elmenyt be tudjuk fogadni, mind ra tudjunk pihenni a hosszu utra.

A lelegzetelallito vizalatti utazast kovetoen felautoztunk eszakra Hau’lua-ba, ahol szallasadoink bazisa volt. Mivel eleg koran megerkeztunk, meg a szallasfoglalas elott megneztuk a naplementet a Pipe nevu helyen, ahol vilaghiru szorfversenyeket is szoktak rendezni.

Mar ranksotetedett, mire beertunk a hostunkhoz. Jessica es Jessy egy nagyon kedves fiatal parocska, akik nem tul regen kezdtek a couchsurfolest. Jessica tuzolto es vizimento, Jessy pedig buvar a haditengereszetnel. Nagyon meno kombo, szerintem! Bar faradtak voltunk mindannyian, kis beszelgetes belefert, sooot… most figyeljetek! Ok is nagy exploding kitten fanok, szoval meg par izgalmas robbantgatast is bezsufoltunk.:) Ezutan kovetkezett a szukseges rossz, az alvas, hiszen, mint tudjuk, masnap sietni kellett.



Oh yeah! We are flying like rocket towards Hawaii!

Oh wait, no... Ati had his... let's say usual bad luck with flight tickets at the check in in Melbourne Airport. Because, as the nice check in lady said at the counter, nobody can enter the US, unless they have a flight ticket to a country not adjacent to the US border... Well, Ati only had a ticket to Canada, that was as useless as an ejection seat on a helicopter... Did not look to promising two hours before departure.

But, as usual, no worries. Our fast reaction traveler figured out in a short time where and when he wants to leave the American continent and 15 minutes later he was showing proudly his ticket to the check in personal. We survived this one too... :)

We arrived in Hawai'i at 6 a.m.. It was still dark. The Polinesian car rental fella was still cleaning the crust in his eyes. But we already were sitting on pins and needles, since the colorful fish and other cute sea animals of Hanauma Bay were awaiting. We were switching between snorkeling and power napping, so that we could enjoy the underwater view and could rest from the long flight.

After the breathtaking underwater journey, we drove up to Hau'lua where the base of our current host was waiting for us. We arrived a bit early, so we decided to check out the sun set at the Pipe, which is the hosting beach of world famous surfing competitions.

It was already dark by the time we arrived "home". Jessie and Jessica are a really nice couple, who started couchsurf hosting not too long ago. Jessica is a firefighter and lifeguard Jessie is a diver at the U.S navy. Pretty awesome combo, in my humble opinion! :) Although, we all were tired, we still had some chat and watch this! They are big exploding kitten fans!!! So, we squeezed in a few explosions in the evening. We finished the evening with the necessary bad... the sleeping, since as you know we were in the rush the next day... as usual.

Peter, Pumpkin, Hot Balls

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