(for english scroll down, please)
Yee! Blog time. Immaron kengurukkal egy tarsasagban irom
kovetkezo posztomat, bar a tema meg mindig Uj-Zeland.
Fun facts: kezdek faradni. A sok vezetes kiveszi a reszet a
mokabol, nekem is egyre tobbszor kell megallni vezetes kozben. De sebaj, a
kalandok es a latvany potol. Az elkovetkezo napokban sikerul megint egy stoppos
parocskat felvenni, ezuttal Israelbol. Kedves embereknek tuntek, nagyon visszafogottak
es illedelmesek voltak. A szokasos par stopposoknak szant kerdes utan kiraktuk
oket a megbeszelt hely kozeleben.
No, de ne szaladjunk ennyire elore. Ott tartunk, hogy
Dunedinbe kell eljutni. Nagyon szep kis varos tarult elenk, igazi europai
hangulat fogadott minket, nem tul nagy, de ugy pont minden megvan benne,
legalabbis a par oras nezelodes ezt sugallta. En dobtam egy delutani szunyat,
amig Ati muzeumozott, majd megprobaltunk kek pingvineket lesni, de sajnos az eso
elkezdte labat logatni, igy ez a probalkozasunk nem jott ossze. Este szokasosnak
mondhato szabad kemping es szunya.
Masnap reggel botlottunk a stopposokba, epp Moeraki Boulders
fele tartva. A szabalyos golyo es hallalcsillag formaju kepzodmenyek rovidke
idore kotottek le figyelmunket. Mivel a felhok a nyugati parton mar nagyon gyulekeztek,
igy ugy dontottunk modositunk a programon es visszamegyunk Christchurchbe
Szabihoz, aki eddigre mar kitalalt egy remek kis turautvonalat.
Estefele elmentunk Akaroaba egy tejbegrizsre es fergeteges
oceanparti latvanyra, majd irany a Szabi Apartmant.
Azt kell hogy mondjam, Szabi egy remek hazigazda, isteni
piritott majjal es legutobbi talalkozasunkkkor gulyas levessel fogadott minket.
Rengeteget meselt a eleterol es arrol, hogy milyen a let Christchurchben. Ket
gyonyoru szep harci kutyusa, Lena es Igor gondoskodott arrol, hogy a paripanknak
semmi bantodasa ne essen.
Szoval a remek vacsit es kis kanapes alvast kovetoen reggel
keltunk es indultunk a komphoz, hogy eljussunk
a tura kiindulopontjathoz. Persze, felhotlen ido es kb 30 fok vart rank,
ezt osszeadva az uj-zelandi napsutes erejevel… Izzadtunk, de ugy rendesen. A
900 meteres Herbert Hegy, nem volt tul nagy kihivas, de persze par litert igy
is kiizzadtunk. Mint mindig, most is volt vigaszunk, szep latvany, csucscsoki es
esovizforras a csucs kozeleben.
Lefele nehany kisebb erdo biztositott nekunk arnyekot, igy
teve elviselhetove az eleg utos hoseget.
Mikor leertunk, jottunk ra, hogy a komp kb meg masfel ora
aszfalt seta, ami azert nem esett volna jol a kb 16km tura utan a hosegben. No,
de akkor jott a huvelykujj technologia, mely kb 40 masodperc utan mar adta is a
fuvart egy kedves kiwi csalad formajaban. Behuppantunk a 7 szemelyesbe es kb 10
perc mulva mar a kikotoben szurcsoltuk a jeghideg teat.
Este meg kis dumalas, vacsi majd felkeszuleskepp az ujabb
kilometerekre, alomra hajtottuk fejunket.
Yeeah! It’s blogging time! Already sitting in the company of
kangoroos, but the story is still about New Zealand.
Fun facts: I am getting tired at this time. The long drives
are taking their toll. I have to stop more and more often for power naps. But
no worries, the adventure and breathtaking views are paying back the toll. In the next few days
we managed to pick up another hitchhiker couple, this time from Israel. They
seemed to be nice people, very polite and modest. After the usual hitchhiker
questions we dropped them off near the agreed destination.
But let’s get back a little bit in the past. So, we are
planning to get to Dunedin. A really nice cosy city was in front of us when we
arrived. Quite european style, not too big, not too small. Looked like it has
everything I would need for living. At least judging after the few hours we
spent there. While Ati was in the museum I took a long nap to regenerate and
then we tried to do some blue penguin watching, but the weather turned quite
uncomfortable, so this attempt was unsuccessful… No worries, maybe next time. In the evening the
usual freedom camping and sleeping.
The next day, we bumped into the hitchhiker on the way to
Moearki Boulders. The perfectly round and death star –shaped natural structures
gave us only a short entertainment. Soon we were already on the road… again.
Unfortunately, the big storm clouds were emerging on the West Coast, so we
changed our plans and stayed on the East side and head to Szabi in Christchurch
once again. By this time, he already figured out a nice tramping for all of us.
In the early evening we made a detour in Akaroa, to have a
nice milky semolina-rice and an extremely spectacular view at Akaroa Heads then
drove back to the Apartment Szabi.
I have to admit Szabi is a great host. He made for us an
amazing fried lever and last time a really tasty goulash. Also, he told a lot
about his life and the life generally in Christchurch. Also his two beautiful
fighting dogs Lena and Igor provided a safe place for our stallion for the two
So, after the great meal and some couch sleep we got up
early in the morning to get to the ferry which took us to the starting point of
the hike. Cloudless sky and 30 degrees was waiting, in addition the strong sun…
well, we were sweating buckets… Although, the trail to the 900 meters high Mt
Herbert, was not specifically difficult, we still lost a few liters of fluid in
form of sweat. But, we had our rewards. Nice view, Peak Chocolate and the
rainwater barrel in the shelter nearby. A few scarce forest patch made our trip
a bit more comfortable in the heat.
The small twist: We got to the realization only at the end
of the hike, that we still have to walk about 1.5 hours on tarmac in order to
catch the ferry. Hurray! But no worries, it was time to use the thumb
technique. “Raffly”
after 40 seconds we were already in the car of a nice kiwi family and after 10
minutes we were sipping our ice tea at the ferry pier.
In the evening another awesome dinner a little bit of
chatting and as to prepare for the new kilometers, we put ourself in the bed…
Peter, Hot Balls, Pumpkin
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