Sunday, 14 January 2018

Wellington, the positive dissapointment

(for English scroll down, please)
Szoval, ugy nez ki most elkapott az ihlet. Amig Ati vagja a az alapanyagokat a krumplis tesztahoz en kicsit potyogok.

Nos, masnap reggel verofenyes napsutes vart minket. Habozas nelkul osszepakoltunk, en raktam reggelit a bendobe es mar indultunk is tovabb Wellingtonba. Bizony, kb 350 km-et le kellett vezetni, hogy a kanapen tudjunk aludni aznap.  Utunk elejen megalltunk par szelfire a gyuruk ura vegzett hegyenel, ahol frodo sikeresen elvesztette az ujjacskajat egy hasztalan kacat miatt.

Kis frizbizes es nezelodes, majd meg sem alltunk Uj-Zeland fovarosaig. Agi a host, aki oly kedvesen odaadta a lakasat nekunk egy ejszakara  - amig o valahol a deli szigeten kalandozott - meg par helyet is ajanlott, ahova erdemes egy kis turat tenni. Persze mi fel is masztunk, es a latvanyert meg is erte az a par izzadsagcsepp.

Este (kb 8-9 korul meg teljesen vilagos) felmentunk meg egy kilatoba, ahol megcsodaltuk a valoban pazar wellingtoni latvanyt, este kis penzugyezes majd szunya.

Masnap reggel Te Papa muzeum volt a fo latvanyossag. A parkoloban egy zoldseg es gyumolcs piac volt felallitva, ahol kicsit bevasaroltunk, hisz, bar kis koltsegvetessel utazunk vitaminokra nekunk is szukseg van.

Majd idonk fennmarado reszeben tanultunk a kiwi kulturarol tortenelemrol. Meg kell mondjam itt lattam eletem eddigi legjobban osszerakott kiallitasat. A kiwifoldon hires Gallipoli csata volt a tema, oriasi viaszfigurak representaltak a jelentosebb szemelyeket es kezzel keszitett domborazti makettre vetittett jelenetek mutattak be a csata menetet. A tarlat elegg interaktiv, igy egy ket dologhoz hozza lehetett nyulni, ki lehetett probalni. Mivel erre a reszre mar keves idonk maradt, visszauton meg vissza fogunk menni egy korre.

Este ot korul felpattantunk a kompra es meg se alltunk Pictonig, a deli sziget komp kikotojeig. Mar 31-et irunk es este fel 10 van, de mi meg mindig vezetunk. Egy eldugott kis tengerpartott celoztunk meg szilveszteri szerenyke sorozesunk es borozasunk helyszinekent. Kicsit szemerkelo esoben koccintottunk, meg nyomtunk par robbanos kiscica kartyajatekot, majd eltettuk magunkat, hisz masnap (aznap) kezdodott a csodaltos deli szigeti tura.



So, it looks like suddenly I have got too much time, whichy means it is writing time. While Ati is making dinner I‘m producing information.

After the jungle camping a sparklingly sunny day was awaiting. We packed in in no time, I threw some breakfast in my belly and we were off our way to Wellington. Yeah, 350 km was ahead in order to have two couches under our butts that day. At the beginning of our trip we had a quick stopby at Mount Doom whee Frodo managed to loose his finger for a useless little jewel.

A few tosses of freesbe and we haven’t stopped until the capital city of the country. Agi our amazingly nice host, gave us her whole flat, while she was away, also she recommended some places to do some tramping. As diligent students we climbed up to enjoy the awesome view (that was worth that sweating) before getting to the place.

Yet, the same evening (it wasn’t even dusk at 8-9 pm...) we went up to the city lookout to have a glance on the quite breathtaking view on the city (yeah, it was even better, than the previous one.). Afterward we did some finance stuff and went for a good sleep.

The next day the Te Papa museum was the main attraction. In the carpark there was fruit and vegies market, where we bought some good stuff. Since… even though we are low budget, we still need vitamins.

In the remaining time we learnt some kiwi culture and history. I have to be honest, I have seen the best museum exhibition so far in the place. It was/is about the Gallipoli battle. Huge handmade very high detailed figures represented some key people of the this long battle. Also the visitors could experience the progress through handmade topographical landscapes where the timeline was replayed by projecting holographic style arrows and army movements on the hills and coasts. Quite spectacular. Also there are interactive bits where we could experience the difficulties of the war more authentic. Since, we run out of time when we arrived to this exhibition, we decided that on the way back we will go in once again.

At 5pm we’ve got on the sizeable ferry and at 9:30pm we were already in Picton the ferry terminal of the South Island. But we were still driving…
I’ve found a hidden remote beach for our modest new years beer/wine celebration. We welcomed the new year in light drizzle, we played a few games of exploding kittens and finally we started the short sleep before the adventures of the South Island.

Peter, Hot Ball, Pumpkin

1 comment:

  1. Really interesting and funny writen Blog. Keep up to write down your adventures! :D
